Mastering Interpersonal Excellence: 5 Tips to Unleashing the Power of Strategic Communication

Welcome to our exploration into Strategic Communication—a key element in enhancing your interpersonal communication skills. 

In this installment, we’ll delve into the 5 tips that can significantly elevate your crowd communication, but rest assured, they are just as relevant in one-on-one interactions.

If you missed the initial 5 tips, you can catch up in the first article here.

Before we dive in, let’s emphasize once more that effective professional communication should be underpinned by strategic thinking and planning.

These are not just skills; they are the driving force that transforms communication into a vehicle for individual and group excellence.

1. The Power of Eye Contact: Connecting Through Visual Engagement

Mistake – Lack of eye contact conveys a message of disconnection. This blunder often occurs when presenters excessively rely on PowerPoint, turning their backs on the audience.

Solution – Live your message by minimizing dependence on visual aids. Establish eye contact and sprinkle in smiles. When engaging in one-on-one communication, employ a soft and friendly gaze to connect with the power of positive thinking. It’s a subtle yet transformative gesture that fosters openness and enhances retention levels. Remember, eye contact is a vital component of body language.

2. Managing Tension: Projecting Calmness through Strategic Planning

Mistake – Transmitting tension to the audience due to personal nervousness.

Solution – Integrate strategic thinking and planning into your pre-communication routine. Envision how you want to project yourself—whether as cool, calm, and collected, or friendly and approachable. This proactive approach, a facet of strategic communication, significantly influences the level of engagement. An additional non-verbal communication tip: Smile until you feel calm—it works!

3. Balancing Seriousness with Humor: The Role of Levity in Communication

Mistake – Delivering a presentation that needs to be more serious, and devoid of humor.

Solution – Humor acts as the lubricant in your presentation machinery. It facilitates a smooth flow, making the learning process more enjoyable. Remember, interpersonal communication is part of an engaging employee training experience, not a somber lecture. Prepare humorous interjections aligned with your presentation to maintain an engaging atmosphere.

4. The Dynamics of Tone: Adding Life to Words through Varied Inflection

Mistake – Adopting a monotonous voice that fails to convey the intended meaning.

Solution – Words spoken in a monotonous tone have minimal impact. Strategic communication involves matching your tone to the emotional content of your words. If you wish someone a “good morning,” infuse it with a tone that actually feels like a good morning. Before delivery, employ strategic thinking to decide what emotions you want to evoke through your body language and vocal tone.

5. The Art of Brevity: Crafting Impactful Messages with Positive Vibes

Mistake – Boring the audience with an excess of negative words.

Solution – Mastering brevity is an art. Choose words wisely, aiming for economy over verbosity. Within brevity lies the ability to use precise, positive language that resonates with your audience. Positivity, rooted in the power of positive thinking, is a hallmark of strategic communication. Studies highlight that positivity is a staggering 900% more effective than negativity. Craft your message with brevity and steer clear of excessive negative language.

Strategic Communication Seminars by The Thinking Coach

Communication is a powerhouse, yet it’s often misused, setting off a negative chain reaction. Fortunately, corrections can be made, as demonstrated in my role as the life coach for professionals over the past 25 years.

This article aimed to showcase the impact of strategic thinking and planning on your communication skills. It’s a tool you can wield effectively with persistence.

There are more strategic tips to build upon these foundational ones. Starting with these and persistently applying them will reveal the transformative power at your disposal.

The Thinking Coach Strategic Communication Training Seminars

Every strategic point discussed in this article finds its place in our seminars. These highly effective soft skills training sessions empower professionals with top-tier interpersonal and crowd communication skills. They assist in turning common communication mistakes into powerful assets.

Communication studies reveal that individuals form opinions about others within 3 seconds to 1 minute—a remarkably brief window. Strategic communication training, a cornerstone of The Thinking Coach’s Leadership Training seminars, acknowledges this fact. It’s the initial skill by which people perceive and judge you. If persuasion is your goal, strategic communication becomes paramount.

In conclusion, the value of strategic communication is immeasurable. Correcting course is possible, and this article serves as a starting point. Apply these principles persistently, and you’ll witness the transformation of your communication skills into a potent force for success.



Eli Harari

The Life Coach for Professionals™

7 Levels of The Power of Positivity: A Paradigm Shift in Workplace Thinking

In delving into the profound question of What Is The Power Of Positivity, we find ourselves on the brink of a revolutionary shift—one that has the potential to redefine success and usher in a vital paradigm shift in thinking, both on an individual and organizational level. In this exploration, we’ll unravel the multifaceted dimensions of the power of positivity and its capacity to act as a catalyst for transformative change in the workplace.

Agents of Positivity

The Power Of Positivity is not a passive force; it requires advocates—individuals who embody its principles and become agents of its transformative force. Positive Thinking, in essence, stands against the prevalent tide of negativity that often engulfs our world, with judgment and criticism as its main adversaries. When integrated into the dynamics of a corporate environment, the power of positive thinking becomes a formidable catalyst for success, bringing about a culture shift that values collaboration over criticism.

Water Analogy of Positive Thinking

Consider our thinking capacity as a vast body of water, flowing through predetermined pathways in our minds—habits, mental links, and established ways of thinking. Positive Thinking acts as a diversion, much like carving new tunnels from the main waterway. This diversion fertilizes new grounds, fostering the growth of fresh ideas and perspectives. The analogy underscores the power of purposeful thinking and how it can shape powerful and positive outcomes by redirecting the flow of our cognitive processes.

The Essence of Positivity

Positivity, at its core, signifies qualities that promote progress, improvement, and resilience. It’s an affirmation of growth and a rejection of destructive tendencies. Connected to the natural order of growth, positivity aligns itself with the fundamental force that sustains life. By embracing positive thinking, we tap into a powerful force often underestimated but profoundly impactful. It’s not just a mindset; it’s a force that propels us towards betterment.

Impact of Positive Thinking on People

Positive thinking is not merely a philosophical concept; it is a practical force that empowers individuals on various levels. It connects individuals to their best selves, instilling inspiration, and bolstering their mental, emotional, and physical well-being. It provides a robust defense against stress and contributes to overall happiness and health. The Power Of Positivity becomes a tool for personal empowerment and fulfillment, creating a positive ripple effect that extends beyond the individual to impact the collective mindset.

Roots of Negativity

The prevalence of negativity in the world can be traced back to an outdated paradigm that views negativity as a motivational force. The competitive culture, rooted in a sense of possession and againstness, has fueled a mindset where tearing others down is seen as a means to achieve excellence. This self-delusion of power, while widely used, is counterproductive and perpetuates a culture of competition and loss. Recognizing this paradigm as outdated is the first step towards ushering in a new era of positive and collaborative thinking.

A Paradigm Shift in Workplace Thinking

Bringing the power of positivity into the workplace isn’t just an idealistic notion; it’s a pragmatic strategy with immediate and long-term effects. It transforms the organizational culture systematically, impacting morale, productivity, employee retention, and profitability. The workplace, infused with positivity, becomes solution-oriented, fostering teamwork, trust, and an environment that seeks opportunities in every challenge. This shift goes beyond mere motivational talks; it’s a cultural transformation that shapes the very fabric of an organization.

Your Choice: The Journey from Thought to Result

The choice of what to think ultimately lies with the individual. However, making a paradigm shift from a negative to a positive mindset requires deliberate effort, belief, and resilience. De-training and retraining thinking skills become essential steps in this transformative journey. Choosing positivity is not just a decision; it’s a commitment requiring self-discipline. It’s about rewiring thought processes and creating a mental environment that nurtures growth and collaboration.

About the Thinking Coach

At the heart of The Thinking Coach’s Leadership Training courses, Management Training programs, and Employee Training Development initiatives is the profound understanding of the power of positive thinking. By showcasing the practical impact of positivity, The Thinking Coach guides professionals in making a paradigm shift in their thinking. The goal is to turn negative mindsets into positive ones, unlocking personal and organizational potential in the 21st century. Through a holistic approach, The Thinking Coach empowers individuals to embrace positivity as a driving force for success

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Eli Harari

Nurturing Strong Teams: A Strategic Approach to Cohesive Team Building

Do You Believe in People? Really?


Cohesive Team Building Challenge

Cohesive Team Building - the challenge

In today’s swiftly changing landscape, organizations face the challenge of fostering cohesive teams amid cost-cutting measures and a lack of emphasis on soft skills training. 


Instead of downsizing, a paradigm shift toward investing in strategic thinking and planning within a team-building context proves to be the solution. 


Strategic Team Building Training becomes a proactive investment, offering a superior return on investment (ROI) and offsetting the stress induced by competition.


Reality Check: The Modern Workplace

The modern workplace often needs to be more cohesive between leadership and the workforce. Trust issues permeate the organization, leading to a weakened state with telltale signs like negativity, conflicts, lack of cooperation, and personal agendas. To address this, a strategic shift towards cohesive team building is crucial.


Belonging Over Money: The Remedy

Contrary to popular belief, it’s not just about money. The driving force behind productivity and personal effectiveness is the sense of belonging—a feeling of being part of a valued family. 

Strategic Team Building Training, over mere group dynamics, is the remedy to bridge the disconnect and enhance organizational health.


Strategic Teambuilding: A Different Perspective

Strategic Teambuilding training isn’t about superficial gestures; it’s about establishing organizational health. It involves continuous strategic thinking and planning, focusing on daily performance, and connecting everyday business practices to the bottom line. 

The key is to build a cohesive team that elevates both profits and overall organizational results.


Trust as the Cornerstone

The first crucial aspect of cohesive team building is trust. Establishing trust through strategic practices, including effective communication, feedback strategies, and decision-making processes, leads to a value-driven, trust-centric environment. 

This top-line strategy treats workers as capable, responsible humans, not commodities, fostering unity and excellence.


Cohesive Teams: A Win-Win Solution

A cohesive team fostered through strategic thinking, reduces unnecessary stress and replaces it with hope and satisfaction. Investing in teamwork building as a strategic initiative, rather than a one-time effort, aligns the entire organization towards the common goal of achieving and maintaining health.


Changing the Core Mindset

Despite skepticism, building cohesive teams is achievable. The key lies in changing the core mindset. Organizations must recognize that their real asset is their human capital. Moving away from short-term fear-based tactics towards strategic thinking and planning creates a sustainable culture. Cohesive teams become a way of life, reconnecting the top and bottom lines, fostering long-term stability, a competitive edge, and increased profits.


Embracing Organizational Health

In the future, organizational health is likely to be the primary investment for companies. The evolving landscape necessitates a shift towards recognizing human capital as the true asset. It’s time to lead with a focus on cohesive teams, fostering a culture where people refer to their company as a family, and it holds genuine meaning.


About The Thinking Coach

The Thinking Coach, serving as The Life Coach For The Pros, offers Teambuilding Training Seminars as part of a comprehensive Soft Skills Corporate Training Program. 


What sets these programs apart is their holistic nature, blending spirituality with an interactive, down-to-earth approach, providing specific tools for cohesive team building. 


The seminars walk the talk of cohesive team building, offering participants a tangible experience of being part of a team and imparting actionable steps for replication.


Contact me! I am here for you


A New Perspective on Success

In this article, we’re diving into a different way of thinking about success, exploring the need for a paradigm shift to truly grasp what success is all about.

Understanding Success

So, what exactly is success, and what’s the secret to achieving it? This is the burning question on many people’s minds, whether it pertains to personal or professional goals.

Success often seems like a vague concept, with individuals approaching it in various ways. For most, it’s all too easy to equate success with one thing: money. This mindset is deeply ingrained in our thinking and often stands as a barrier to redefining what success truly means.

Broadening the Notion of Success

Success isn’t just about wealth; it encompasses a plethora of aspects. It’s important to ponder the multifaceted nature of success and what it signifies for each individual. Some success factors may be evident, while others are less conspicuous.

Consider these notions:

  • Success is about acquiring knowledge.
  • Success is having the means to put food on the table.
  • Success is the comfort of a roof over your head.
  • Success is experiencing love and sharing it with someone special.
  • Success is maintaining good health.
  • Success is the ability to walk.
  • Success is triumphing over competition.
  • Success is being happy.
  • Success is tapping into the power of positive thinking.
  • Success is having the resources to see clearly with eyeglasses, and the list goes on. 

Clearly, the concept of success is intricate and far-reaching, demanding deep reflection and an expansive perspective.

Success and Attitude

Your attitude plays a pivotal role in determining your success. When your mindset is on point, success often follows.

What is attitude?

  • Attitude serves as the wellspring of your strength or weakness.
  • It has the power to be either positive or negative.
  • It can be shallow or deep.
  • Attitude shapes your emotions and influences your actions.
  • It reflects how you feel about something.
  • Attitude is deeply rooted, whether overt or concealed.
  • Belief is an integral part of your attitude.
  • Attitude can be transformed.
  • It arises from within you.
  • It serves as a personal motivator.
  • Early life experiences can shape your attitude.
  • Attitude serves as a life compass.
  • It colors your words and actions. 

In essence, attitude is a complex amalgamation of thoughts and emotions. If you maintain an attitude of gratitude, you learn to appreciate and value things, irrespective of their quantity. Your attitude fundamentally defines what success means to you.

The Power of Positive Thinking

The power of positivity wields tremendous influence in shaping your attitude and, consequently, your path to success. It’s a form of success in itself.

Let’s illustrate this with a story/joke:

Imagine two children involved in a study about behavior. One is optimistic and positive, while the other is pessimistic and negative.  Researchers placed the pessimistic child in a store filled with toys, while the optimistic child is left in a place full of horse manure for a few hours.

Upon their return, the pessimistic child in the toy store is found crying, unable to find a specific toy. The optimistic child in the manure-filled area is spotted buried headfirst in the pile, digging away cheerfully when pulled out legs first and asked what he is doing with all this horse manure he yells exuberantly “With all this manure there must be a horse somewhere!”  

Although funny and humorous, it is hard to miss the point when we humans tend to have so much seldom valuing what we have and often complaining about what we don’t. 

This tale emphasizes the contrast between a positive and negative attitude. It’s both amusing and a stark representation of reality.

The truth about success lies in your attitude, in what you consider a victory, regardless of its universality. In essence, success is a personal journey, not limited to a singular, elusive goal.

Success in the Business World

Success in the business arena isn’t different from personal success. Your attitude towards your work and colleagues profoundly impacts your perception of success.

Ask yourself:

  • Are you genuinely content with your job, knowing it provides for your family?
  • If you’re a leader, do you take pleasure in your team’s success?
  • Does the power of positivity shine through in your interactions, or is negativity your shadow? 

Charisma, as an aura of success, draws others toward you. It’s the glow of a positive attitude that people want to bask in.


A Paradigm Shift in Thinking – Success in Progress


Success can be uncovered in every facet of life when the right attitude prevails. It shouldn’t be confined to a single destination where only a few can prevail.

It’s unreasonable to assume that in a world with billions of individuals, there’s room for only a handful of success stories. Such a notion not only defies logic but is an unfortunate reality perpetuated by the narrow-minded focus on money as the sole measure of success.

Let me share a personal story: During my early years teaching tennis, a man brought his dejected 6-year-old nephew for lessons. In front of the child, he callously remarked that the boy was not good enough but should have a lesson anyway. I intervened, and put the man in his place!! And the boy spent 45 minutes on the court.

In that brief span, the child’s smile reappeared, and he stopped putting himself down. The power of positivity transformed his perspective, and he realized he could enjoy tennis. The success was his enjoyment.

In my various roles, success for me is witnessing the blossoming of self-worth and the belief that “I can” in those I engage with. This profound transformation, regardless of the specific skills taught, is what defines success. My goal is to ensure that everyone I work with understands that success is an inclusive, ongoing process, and if they could only see they are successful in so many things they are and do.

Now, it’s your turn!


Best Man Bootcamp: Your Ultimate Guide to Being a Stellar Best Man

Let’s roll up our sleeves and dive into the nitty-gritty of being a top-notch best man to the groom. This isn’t just about showing up on the big day all steezed out in a suit. Nah, it starts before that and extends even after the Sweet Caroline is played at the end of the wedding. Oh yeah, ask me sometime about how much I love that song!

The Pre-Wedding Shenanigans

First off, your support in EVERYTHING is crucial. You honestly can make or break a wedding. Logistics are what you excel at. Be present at all the essential stuff – engagement parties, suit fittings, and remember those wild bachelor parties. Next up, get your Zen on! Weddings are a storm of stress, and someone’s gotta be calm amidst the chaos. That’s where you come in – the voice of reason in the hurricane of wedding planning.
And hey, remember to be the go-to guy for all the guests. This is super important if you’re doing the whole destination wedding thing. Be a champ and help with all the tedious stuff – hotel check-ins, transportation, event schedules, etc. It’s all about letting the groom kick back and enjoy his wedding.  Set the precedent on how your best man needs to show up on YOUR wedding day.

The Big Day

Alright, it’s game day. Rule number one? Be on time. You need to be there with all your attire, ready to rock. Your job’s still ongoing, though. You’re the liaison before the ceremony. When guests start pouring in with their myriad of questions – where to put gifts, where’s the bathroom, where’s the shuttle – you’re the one with all the answers.

Now, you might be ushering guests to their seats. Remember, this is different from the movies – no one’s gonna tell them where to sit. That’s on you. Fill the seats evenly on both sides.  Get the symmetry ready for the photographers shot of the bride walking down the aisle or from above.  Empty seats look like shit.

This gets crucial when specific seats are reserved for family and wedding party members. Once everyone’s seated, you’re at the altar with your brother. Remember to keep the weight on one leg only at all times and smile, no matter how hungover you are!

After the ceremony, resist the temptation to hit the bar immediately and help keep the wedding party together for the photos. Your photographer will love you for it!

If you’re asked to give a speech, knock it out of the park. But remember, if you’re not asked, don’t just wing it and grab the mic- you want to ensure the evening’s schedule is on track.

And guess what? You’re the life of the party, so make sure you’re the first on the dance floor. This is the best time for photos and to pull your mates up for a quick dance. Stay on the floor all night. Set the tempo, which will help ensure the groom stays on the dance floor all night with his bride.

The After Party

The wedding might be done, but your duties are still ongoing. If there’s a breakfast scheduled, you need to make sure everyone knows about it and shows up on time. Please help with the gifts, take care of returning any rentals, and check on the couple’s home while they’re off on their honeymoon. 

That’s a lot of work, but it’s what groomsmen do, right?